End-of-Battlestar thread - may contain spoilers!

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End-of-Battlestar thread - may contain spoilers!

Post by XMEN Gambit »

Ok, so it's not quite over yet, there's at least one more episode to come. But I am so very terribly amused at the, er, condition of Earth as found by our favorite sci-fi soap opera characters. Good one! Elegant solution, score a moral point or two, ha-ha. By now I don't remember if that was one of the possible scenarios I'd thought of earlier or not. Hmph.

I did keep wondering if the darn Viper was the fifth one, though. Do you think we'll find out who it is in the next episode or will they drag that out some more?

BTW, anyone know where I can get that BSG version of "All Along the Watchtower?" I really really like that arrangement.
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Post by TimberWolf »

After reading and hearing some interviews with the cast the past month I was fearing the worst, as in the Cylons open fire on the civilian fleet and only the Galactica survives to continue on. Glad to see that didn't come true, even though something similar can still happen. When they landed and started panning around I was trying to figure out where they were. Once the panned around to what appeared to be a down town area, New York was the only city to come to mind and was further reinforced by what appeared to be the Brooklyn bridge.

They definitely ended the show on a moral note showing that if we continue on our current path we will destroy ourselves either through weapons or through miss use of the planet. I believe this was one of the popular conclusions discussed on the internet, along with an advanced human society that rejects the refugees.

Some questions that still remain:
1. Where did that Viper come from?
2. Why was the Viper the only thing getting the signal?
3. Why was the signal a Colonial distress Beacon?
4. Whats it with Tori being so evil since being activated?
5. Why did D'Anna only ask for the final 4 and not the final 5?
6. Who is the final Cylon?
7. Was the final Cylon even in the fleets or was it left on Earth?
8. What is the importance of the final 5? Are they the bearers of the knowledge of Earth and what happened to its people?
9. What of the rest of the Cylon race that they left behind who was still seeking them out to destroy them?
10. They keep saying this has repeated before, and if they blew each other up it would have all ended. How would have this repeated then and what of the other Cylons left over from prior loops?
11. Is there anything left on Earth that still works and how far did the 13th Tribe expand into the solar system before destroying itself? As in did they have lunar or mars colonies?

As for whats to come, I've heard about possible made for TV movies or direct to DVD releases to expand on the Galactica story line similarly to what Razer did. I wouldn't be surprised if there was either a two hour episode to finish it up or a movie.
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Post by XMEN Gambit »

They had scenes from the next episode like they always do, where some of those questions should be answered. Not all by any means. :)
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Post by XMENPorsche »

They did? I waited and waited and waited to see the upcoming scenes and never did see them (I watched Sunday night). They went right into "Twilight Zone" after BSG ended.

The lack of upcoming scenes is what made me think that this might have been the last episode, even though I remember the producers saying that there would be 22 episodes this season. I could be wrong, but I don't think there have been that many.
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Post by XMEN Gambit »

They did. Hmm, can't find those on scifi.com.

22 episodes this season? I count 11 so far, based on the site. Hope this isn't another season 4-and-a-half kind of thing.
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