Terminator: Salvation

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XMEN Gambit
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Terminator: Salvation

Post by XMEN Gambit »

Rogue and I went to see the new T4 movie today. We liked it better than T3. The giant harvester robot that you see taking apart the 7-11 station in the commercials is impressive and kinda neat, and the special effects are as always very good. You do get to see some naked terminators running around and I couldn't help contrasting them with the old claymation-style effects from T1.

Speaking of the series as a whole...
T1 was basically a survival-horror flick.
T2 was by far the best - I think you really got attached to little John and the reprogrammed Arnie-bot. There was a camaraderie there.
T3 was... forgettable. I think what I remember most was the inflata-boobs gag, and that's sad.
T4, for all that it talks about the human heart and tries to put some of that T2 feeling back, I think it misses. They could have done it. They almost did it. But it fell flat. You see the characters, and can recognize that they have certain feelings and motivations. But you don't feel it yourself.

It's certainly not a BAD movie. It's an action flick and fun to watch. Just not so immersive as I'd like. I think Elfman's soundtrack isn't quite there, either. There's a minute or two of Guns-n-Roses that fits perfectly, though. :)
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Post by Spinning Hat »

Uhhh.. Is it a bad thing that I had absolutely no clue this was even in the works, let alone out in theatres? Granted, I'm not a huge fan of the terminator films, but you'd think I'd have at least heard about the film..

OK.. Back under my rock!
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Post by Jester »

and if was beat out by Night at the Museum 2, if that tells you anything.
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Post by XMEN Gambit »

I heard that, Jester. Surprised me a little. I guess the average moviegoer these days doesn't remember going to T2 and being wowed. Also could be that the marketing wasn't really the best, SH.

I discovered later that the writer's strike took a huge chunk out of the production time on this one. Wonder what it could have been if given a little more TLC?
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Post by Jester »

That and it really did seem under the radar. I wonder if the new GI Joe movie will be any good, or if the New transformers will be.
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Post by XMENPorsche »

Personally, I liked it a lot. I was kind of surprised at the CGI Arnold towards the end. Overall, a good, mindless action flick.
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