Well, I did it...

Come in! Have a margarita or root beer? How about some fresh trout? :)

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Well, I did it...

Post by Sharpster »

I asked my girlfriend to marry me and promise to tolerate my shenanigans for the rest of our lives.

I've been with my now fiance for 3 years. She's the best girl I've ever met, and she has helped me become a great man in the process. She's helped me work through some of my greatest struggles and hardships even though I wasn't the kindest to her during those times. Still, she stuck by me and I could feel her support. The happy times (which thankfully are much more frequent than the unhappy ones) are ones I can't really explain, other than I've never felt even close to how great I feel with her.

Quick summary of the proposal: I surprised her at work on Thursday the 10th waiting in her car for her. I made her aware I'd already spoken to her boss and she was off work Friday. We than made our way to a quaint little bed and breakfast about an 1 hr away on the Delaware line that we frequent as often as possible. I didn't waste any time when we got up to the room. Instead of waiting til after dinner as I had originally planned, I rushed immediately into the bathroom claiming I was on the verge of soiling myself :D . In the bathroom I pulled a bottle of wine and 2 engraved wine glasses out. One saying Shipwatch Inn 07/10/14, the other saying Mandy will you marry me? (with 2 little hearts). I poured the wine into the glasses, looked at myself in the mirror, checked to ensure I had the ring in my pocket, and with a deep breath opened to the door.. I handed her the dated wine glass and smiled, she already knew what was coming. She looked at it and said oh this is nice, must be a new thing they're doing. (doh... she thought that was the glass the inn had provided us. I hoped she'd ask me about it so I could spin mine around and say, look at this one.) So instead, I handed her mine and said could you hold this for a moment. She looked down at the glass I handed her and read the inscription, quickly looking up at me as I fumbled around in my pocket. I got on my knee, said a few things from the heart (nervously but as confidently as I could) and asked her to marry me. :D

That Saturday was her family's annual vacation. This year it was to Jamaica, so her and I with her family had a nice (not quite long enough) week filled with fun in the sun. I'm now back to work today :? . Lots of things to start planning now that we are back to reality. Were going to do a little engagement cookout in a couple weeks. Have to nail down a date to book the church and a venue for the reception. We're looking to hopefully plan the wedding to be in Spring of 2016. Once we get that all nailed down, then it will be time to house shop in southern PA York area (We nixed the idea of moving to Texas after I lost my job shortly after that my previous post asking about Texas due to layoffs. Took me a 2 months to get another job. I love the new company but we don't have any offices in Texas that have a need for my type of position.) Going to be a busy year and a half jam-packed, with excitement, anxiety and a little bit of fear.

Hope everyone is doing well!
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XMEN Gambit
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Post by XMEN Gambit »

Wow, congratulations!! Great story. Hope everything works out wonderfully for you!

2 books:
1) Love and Respect (Eggrichs)
2) The Five Love Languages (Chapman)

Read 'em! Not just relationship savers, but relationship builders.
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Post by Gryphon »

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Post by Sharpster »

Thanks fellas. What a coincidence Gambit, I've been looking for some new books to read as I'd caught up on my backlog over vacation. Thanks for the suggestions.
XMEN Ashaman DTM
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Post by XMEN Ashaman DTM »

Hey man! Congrats!

My best advice: never make a promise you can't keep (I'll never be angry with you); and ALWAYS listen, even if you see the solution, sometimes they just want to talk something out.
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Ambush Bug
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Post by Ambush Bug »


I too will dispense advice: COMMUNICATE. Take the time every month or three to just take stock. "Hey, we've been doing this, and I've been doing that. Has anything in all of that made you feel weird?"

Mrs. Bug and I do this still, even after ten+ years. It's surprisingly helpful.
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XMEN Iceman
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Post by XMEN Iceman »

Awesome!!! Congrats Dude!!!
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Post by Sharpster »

Thanks everyone! I appreciate the advice, you can never have too much.
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