Memories of Ye Ancient Tribes and Olden Battle Methods
Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2004 3:17 pm
Got to talking, as I do, about what made Starsiege:Tribes so special to me. I am an old timer for that game, and the issues henceforth have kept me apart from it. I do so loved that game as was originally played.<br><br>You see, that game wasn't just a buncha respawnable pixels that ski-ed and died and went back out and in a flash was at the other base.<br><br>It was a whole nother game, with entirely different views on how to play it. Your Character had a Role in the Team - and he lived and died perfecting that role, and advancing the concepts of his Trade. It took a long time to attack a base, and if the Team failed, the game was generally Lost.<br><br>Dying was not Automatic, it was Feared. <br><br>The maps used to be made spread out to a degree such that Defense and Offense were almost uniformally Seperate Entities that had to do their jobs well, or one side or the other would gain Advantage, and "win" the map.<br><br>Such was the game I loved to play. Every time I respawned, it meant my Team was weakened, and we might "Lose" the map. Which meant the Planet was taken by the Enemy!<br><br>It was so much more than it has become in the minds of those who play the game today. The Tribes are basically different looking sets of armor - and the maps chosen are done without the thought of how the maps were really made with the original Tribe's Tactical Theologies involved.<br><br>Meaning that Blood Eagle bases and placements were better set to a direct agressive posture - which may cost them in lives, but were made up for in defense. Diamond Sword sides of a map were generally more tricky to learn (back then) and with enough creativity, could be used in very different ways.<br><br>Phoenix maps were of those that were basically Spawn-style of play, where the defenses were heavy, but attacking the enemy was difficult.<br><br>And of course, the StarWolf. They seemed capable of employing any of these, depending on the map you chose. Making them (for me) the Tribe I liked.<br><br>Now, when you sign on a server for any of these games, do you ever think, "What would a Sworder say in this situation?"<br><br>That is lost. And it is sad to see it gone.<br><br>I know Ambush Bug and others played the RPG aspects very well, and quite in-depth. For me, I let the game be my mechanism for RP'ing my character. <br><br>You see, as a Player, I may sign in under different Names, and RP a different Character from a different Tribe who would then [leave] and [rejoin] when the 'maps' would change.<br><br>I mean, playing a Phoenix character in a BloodEagle map seemed 'wrong' to me, when I began Tribes. So I made different characters when I first played, so that I could maintain my sense of cohesion from one game to the next.<br><br>Anyway, I miss that Game. And had hopes for TV, or even a pay-to-play game that could bring that flavor back, but I cannot afford the MMOG monthly fees, and it looks like TV is Cowboy Heaven so far.<br><br>I should hope not, and if you can, if any of this post makes sense, maybe you could send a quiet note to TV folks about it. Though in these times, I doubt it would cause a ripple in future events.<br><br>*sighs*<br><br>Thank you again, my fellows, for my memories of this game, and this Clan. Everytime I think about it, I wish we could turn back the clock and capture a glimpse of that olde glory.<br><br> <p>"Patience is a virtue ... for other people." -Ravok</p><i></i>