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Citizens Against Government Waste

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 8:42 am
by XMEN Gambit
Recently, CAGW has been mentioned in the tech press, providing their opinion on Massachusetts' plan to require unencumbered open document standards for all state/commonwealth goverment work. At this time, that would exclude all of Microsoft's various Office formats, so you can imagine that MS is not happy. But CAGW seems to side with MS on this issue, and that's drawn some attention from some people. Others know better already. So, if you didn't know, it turns out that CAGW isn't citizens, it's corporations. Big ones, like MS and Phillip-Morris. And what they're against isn't waste, but regulatory penalties (Are you shocked? I didn't think so...). You can find any number of articles detailing how this came about - here's one: