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Dallas passes tough laws

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 2:57 pm
by DarkKnife
Welp Its started. Fianlly someone is starting to take a serious stand on illegal immigration here in the U.S. ... index.html

Now please don't flame me on this. I am not racist or blind to the plight of others. But I do not believe that it is my responsibility to provide for others through my tax dollers what they are unwilling to provide back to me. I believe if you truely want to become an American and put into the system what you get out of it then I welcome you with open arms. But if someone wants to take advantage of the system and not pay back into it then they do not deserve my mutual assistance. I know this is a major many headed problem and it is not only limited to illegals but to American citizens as well. But it is good to see someone actually adressing a problem and working on it even if it make them unpopular to 'popular' (the media) opinion.

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 7:34 pm
by XMEN Gambit
It's actually Farmer's Branch, a suburb, rather than Dallas. There's a city in California that is planning the same thing.

I agree with you about illegal immigration in general. There's some interesting discussions that one of the big news stations here in town has had with some of the people involved in the debate. There's a page of podcasts here, and you may want to have a listen before they fall off. Just look for LULAC or Farmer's Branch in the description.

During one previous such interview, Ernie Brown asked the Jessie Diaz, president of LULAC, about the tax issue you mention (which is just one factor in the immigration issue). He insisted that the illegals were taxed, so they contributed to the system. However, he also admitted that illegals would claim maximum exemptions on their witholding from their employer, but wouldn't file a tax return. When told that that was illegal and also "not paying your fair share" he said he wouldn't comment on that because we wasn't a legal expert. They spent about 20 minutes debating that point and never covered some of the other issues Ernie had wanted to discuss.

One thing that really burns me is when people (usually Hispanics) claim that anything targeted at illegals is racist or wrong. Grr. (Makes me want to say very non-diplomatic things. ) They can't or won't acknowledge that there's a difference between immigrants and illegal immigrants. It's not that they don't know - someone brings it up every time. I've heard sound bites of last night's council meeting where that was explained very clearly.