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Spiderman 3

Posted: Sun May 06, 2007 10:57 pm
by XMEN Gambit
Saw it yesterday. Liked it. Definitely had its cringe-inducing stupid moments, but remember it is a comic book movie! Something else to keep in mind is that this is a "Peter Parker" story, not a Spidey story. This is not about edge of your seat special effects for 2:40 straight. Though there's plenty of Spidey happening. They did a great job with the villians, not just in special effects but in motivation. Heck of a dramatic fight at the end, as you might expect, with Spidey taking on multiple baddies and having a hard go of it.

It ain't canon, but you should know that by now, too. In the comics, Gwen Stacey was Pete's first love and Gobby killed her, then Pete found MJ. Obviously Gobby isn't going to play much of an active role in Pete's life after being killed in the first movie... Anyway, Gwen's here, and she's still the police chief's daughter, though she and Pete never get very serious. Lots of emotional tension throughout as you can imagine. Several other inconsistencies with the comics and some things that may be inconsistent with prior movies - need to go check.

Nuff for now. See it if you liked the other two at all.

PS: Stan Lee gets a speaking part instead of just a cameo. Bruce Campbell is wonderful as a french Maître d’. :)

Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 12:28 am
by XMEN Ashaman DTM
I absolutely loved Bruce Campbell in this!

I liked Spidey as well. And I gotta say that they did a heck of a great job with Venom.

About the only things I didn't like so much were not the movie's fault: the theatre was packed and I think they didn't turn up the AC; and when Peter does that thing while the bouncers are trying to escort him out, someone yelled "#$@@# deserved it!" and laughed. TOTALLY not the movie's fault, but it pretty much ruined the moment for everyone in the theatre, and it reminded my wife and I and our friends with us, that where we all live sucks.

Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 4:13 am
by Ambush Bug
Eh, I felt it was too... busy. They could have dropped either Sandman or Venom and have been fine. Three baddies at once, all with stories, just resulted in a lot of jumping back and forth that I didn't like.

I felt the 'descent' that Peter went through was too quickly stuffed into the flim, and as a result of being rushed, the script had to show things that were vastly out of character, too quickly. I think there should have been more a gradual build-up. I didn't like Pete's 'strutting down the sidewalk' bit at all, but absolutely loved his heavy flirting with JJJ's secretary. (Wasn't that Betty Brant?)

Thomas Haden Church made a great Sandman. I feel he should have been far more dangerous, but I'll give him a break for being a newblood to the powers. Good casting, IMO.

I didn't like whomever played Eddie Brock all that much. Can't really quantify it.

Venom SFX were just grand. When the bell first gonged and the Venom 'mask' leapt off Peter's face, I was very much wowed. The symbiote's introduction was pretty contrived, but then again, who wants to go into the whole Secret Wars thing?

I can't seem to like Kirsten Dunst as MJ. I dunno why, but either due to writing or acting, she just seems to become less like MJ with every movie.

JJJ was absolutely perfect, as he has been in every single Spidey flick. I look forward to seeing him in every one. :) Either he's read all the comics, or he's channeling a Muse. It's uncanny.

Overall, I enjoyed it, but now I'm a bit wary about any sequels.

Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 12:02 pm
by X Rogue
Eddie Brock was played by Topher Grace.

I liked the film, but then again, I have a soft spot for Peter Parker, patron saint of blue collar hard luck superheroes. And I am wildly uncritical of films in general so I've no real gripes.

Kinda glad Petey and Harry got it patched up.

Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 9:14 pm
by XMEN Gambit
Bug, the stuff like the sidewalk strut was one of those cringing moments I referred to. :) Also the scene in the jazz club where everyone was watching Pete and clapping along with the music seemed very gimmicky.

I did not feel the story was too complex, or with too much going on. I sure would have felt that way if they'd tried to stuff it all into a more normal timeframe. (Say, 1hr50...) For example, we really didn't get much of Harry's story. They showed clips of the past stuff during the lead in, and the fights, but really you're expected to have seen the previous movie(s). That let them only have to do intros on Sandy and Venom.

I also thought the guy doing Eddie played him very well. Not really bad to start with, just not quite as principled as he should be, and then overcome by a number of things including exposure to Venom really cracked him into a true baddy enjoying the part. I never much liked Eddie in the comics, and that translated well to the screen.

I very much agree with you regarding JJJ and MJ, though.