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Iron Man movie
Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 7:00 pm
by XMEN Gambit
Rogue and I went to see it this afternoon. One of the better comic book movies, certainly! Robert Downey Jr. and Jeff Bridges did very well, the graphics were great, even the plot was decent - well, it's an origin story, after all! Paltrow did well too, but she didn't have as many real moments on screen. I almost felt like Stark's computer got more lines...
The only characters that got any development, though, were Stark, Potts, and Stane. Everyone else was basically skimmed over. The science is a little hokey, but it's way tamer than most comic book excuses.
Bridges does play kind of odd as a bald bad guy; I'm used to seeing him young, with a lot of hair, and playing for the good guys.
Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 10:19 pm
by XMENPorsche
How family friendly is this movie?
Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 9:18 am
by XMEN Iceman
Very friendly. There is very little blood...however there are some implied deaths during an ambush scene in which some soldiers get killed.
I think you and Josh will love it. It of my all time favs now.
Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 7:01 pm
by XMEN Gambit
Let me elaborate on that a little bit, since I was concerned too...
Tony Stark is a callous playboy prior to his captivity. He's an alcoholic and a womanizer. There are comments about going 12-for-12 with the Maxim cover girls. We see him pick up a girl and later they're in bed frantically undoing buttons and such, and in the morning she wakes up alone with only a sheet covering her. No nudity and no petting or anything. The stewardesses on his private plane end up with abbreviated uniforms and dancing around poles (not really pole dancing, and the outfits were not bikini-skimpy). There's a case where a father is nearly killed in front of his family and another guy is almost fed a hot coal. There was not a lot of language. Not much blood, no real gore, though there is a kind of icky-gooey scene where Pepper reaches into his chest to replace his energy module. Lots of comic book violence, of course, people getting thrown around and stuff.
These things are not dwelt on, just briefly presented and cut so we can understand the characters. The PG-13 is pretty accurate. Definitely not an R. I think you're fine to take Josh, may not want to let him go with others, dunno.