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Just had to tell this one..

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2001 11:43 am
Ok,<br>I think the map was dessicator...the one where you have to protect Gens to make sure the Green square FF stays up..<br><br>I was flying over the NME base then another NME scout passed me, decided to shoot at me so I turned around as did he. so I shot right above him since he was on the ground and I knew he would take off, well BLAM <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :evil --><img src= ... /devil.gif ALT=":evil"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> (from about 30m) I hit him as he jetted upward.....that took about half of his health we continue to fight with SF, now he only had about 25% health left. Well he backed up, fallen backwards or something and I was flying upward and backwards (therefore getting farther apart) Now I would say he was about 100m away. fired a SF,.....BAM <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :evil --><img src= ... /devil.gif ALT=":evil"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> hit him MA and he was toast. Needless to say he made sure I was dead three more times before the mission was over. I MA him again later.......Man, thats what keeps you coming back for more....<br><br>On Damnation there was an NME coming over a small hill towards the back base (skinny one) and I was going to fly over to greet him, he was descending and I was also descending, I decided to send a SF over his way, and BAM!!MA'd Him <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :evil --><img src= ... /devil.gif ALT=":evil"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> ...he Died.....He said nice shot!, I said "I was aiming but that it was luck", he said, "ok but it was stll nice" .....I think SLEDGEHAMMER saw that shot, he was there to.<br><br>Funstuff<br>XMENITIMAN[DTM] <p><img src=" ... der="0"<BR> </left>"Proud Member of the XMEN" </left>"Proud Member of the [DTM]"<br></left>" Stop and be Thankful for what you have today! "</p><i></i>

Re: Just had to tell this one..

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2001 8:40 pm
by XMEN Wildchild
I tell you what. I have slacked off on my disc here lately. Not very many MA as of late. But I have been getting some awesome shots off with my lazer rifle. <br><br>I got a guy last night that made me laugh so hard I got a cramp.<br><br>He was standing on a hilltop looking at his flag discing it. I hit him with a shot off from my lazer adn took him nearly all the way down. Anyone how hits headshots know what I am talking about. Anyway. He spun and saw me looking at him. I waved.. heheh I am evil... and shot again but he had moved by now and I missed. As he was flying and skiing toward me I let me energy raise back up. When it was finally full I zoomed in on him and could only see his feet. I pulled the trigger and hit his foot... ZAAP! Killed him dead. I unzoom and see his body slide right toward me and stop at my feet... It was so funny.<br><br>Guess you had to be there.<br><br>He later killed me with a lazer shot and said it was from his kids as they were now homeless for killing their father. <p><center><body bgcolor="000000"text="696969"link="000000"vlink="Blue"alink="red"><font color="blue"><img src= ... ><P><INPUT TYPE="image" SRC="" BORDER=0 ALT="Wildchild"><a>- Wildchild -</a><INPUT TYPE="image" SRC="" BORDER=0 ALT="Hewdamia : Legends"></font><font size="-2"><P>Proud Member of the<I> <B><font color="white"><a href="">XMEN</a></font></B></I><BR>Creator of <I><B><font color="white"><a href=" ... /I><P>What we do today, Echoes in Eternity!<BR><B>ROMA VICTAR!</B><BR>Uberlicious</p><i></i>

Re: Just had to tell this one..

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2001 7:37 am
by XMEN Iceman
ROFL!!! <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :lol --><img src= ... /laugh.gif ALT=":lol"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <p><table border="0"><tr><td><EMBED align=leftsrc="" menu=falsequality=high bgcolor=#000000 WIDTH=217 HEIGHT=166TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash"PLUGINSPAGE=" ... d><td>XMEN Iceman [DTM]<br>Founder and Leader ofthe Base Tribes XMEN Clan<br>Proud member of the Dragon Talon Mercenariesteamplayers Guild<br>Citizen of New Fenecia<br><br> "You weren't much of a challenge" - T2 bot after killing Iceman<br><br> - click on avatarfor links - no, not sausage links!</td></tr></table></p><i></i>