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Just Had to Tell This...

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2001 6:17 am
by XMEN Wildchild
This isn't my story but it happened last night to Sledge and it was funny as hell. I almost fell out of my seat. (I was playing while listening to the shoutcast of the TAC2 last night)<br><br>We were playing on separate teams, I was using an alias last night, and I went off in search of the infamous Sledge. When I arrived at their base I noticed a Jerico driving down the road. I sped off to it to hopefully get it damaged enough to destroy it.<br><br>I didn't even need to be there. But boy did I get a site to behold.<br><br>Sledge ramed into a tree right outside their base damaging it. He was having great difficulty because a few seconds later the Jerico jumped up like five feet and started spinning like a top on its side. It spun a good 5 or 6 times where it blew up. I am surprised Sledge didn't have whiplash after that show.<br><br>Wish I could have gotten a screen shot of that but I was laughing to hard. <p><center><body bgcolor="000000"text="696969"link="000000"vlink="Blue"alink="red"><font color="blue"><img src= ... ><P><INPUT TYPE="image" SRC="" BORDER=0 ALT="Wildchild"><a>- Wildchild -</a><INPUT TYPE="image" SRC="" BORDER=0 ALT="Hewdamia : Legends"></font><font size="-2"><P>Proud Member of the<I> <B><font color="white"><a href="">XMEN</a></font></B></I><BR>Creator of <I><B><font color="white"><a href=" ... /I><P>What we do today, Echoes in Eternity!<BR><B>ROMA VICTAR!</B><BR>Uberlicious<P>I must say that after playing head to head with WC, I'd like to change his<BR>name to the Principal as he took me to school and gave me an awful spanking. <P>I found a weakness in Wildchild............<BR>Play when he is not playing.....<P>I'd like to think that going against WC made me better but I'm afraid that all he did was make me deader.<BR>But I love the adrenaline rush when I see he's in the game cause that means it's showtime!<P> The Power of <b>CHEESE!</p><i></i>