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NWN - Shadows Of Undrentide

Posted: Sat May 31, 2003 6:29 pm
by XMEN Ravok99
I am going to be picking this one up. Will let you know how I like it. I know we have a few NWN players here, off and on anyways, and so I thought to let you all know about it. It went gold this week, and it looks like it could be a fun expansion.<br><br>There is another expansion due out later this year, Hordes of the Underdark. I will most likely be purchasing that as well.<br><br>The main reason I want SoU is because I like the Arcane Archer Prestige Class. Not sure yet which character/class I am going to use with it, but I think it will be fun.<br><br>See you all later <p>"Patience is a virtue ... for other people." -Ravok</p><i></i>

Re: NWN - Shadows Of Undrentide

Posted: Sat May 31, 2003 11:51 pm
by Slothario
You still play on Avlis Ravok? If not, what server? I'm kinda looking for a new server to play on because the one I'm at now lags horrifically when there's more than 10 people on and they keep changing things a person who doesnt play every day would know about. It'll kinda suck to leave because it's a good server...lots of things to do besides kill creatures, and I've spent a lot of time running my character, but I think it's time fo a switch. Any suggestions? <p></p><i></i>

Re: NWN - Shadows Of Undrentide

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2003 7:43 am
by XMEN Ravok99
Yep, hanging in there on Avlis. I have a Druid/Monk character that I am triple classing to Druid/Monk/Fighter. I use him as a "wild-man" type character and got him just enough Druid levels to shape-shift a few times a day. He would be more powerful and more useful as a Cleric/Monk/Fighter - but I get sick of Clerics. What I like about Kurion is that once he has his two up and coming levels of Fighter, he won't need items very much to progress in the game. Very nice for low magic realms.<br><br><br>Avlis may not be the absolute best server out there, but I am sticking with it. A lot of folks are negative about SoU there, becuase they have a lot of custom scripts running and a persistant database that they don't want broken by the expansions/updates to come. Understandable when they put that kinda time into things.<br><br>Okay, rambling on... <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :) --><img src= ALT=":)"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <p>"Patience is a virtue ... for other people." -Ravok</p><i></i>

Re: NWN - Shadows Of Undrentide

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2003 2:19 pm
by XMEN Ravok99
Okay - SOU -<br><br>Got it, and am playing with it a little. I built a flawed Cleric/Assassin just to see if I liked the character and tested her out. The Tumble skill is good in that you get an AC bonus and you may tumble out of Attacks of Opportunity when you move about the battle field. This is good because I play supporting healing-kit characters that move from player to player to heal them. Before Tumble, I would need to spend two feats, get Mobility, and use my Dex Mod with Uncanny Dodge to keep those Attacks from pounding me. That is a lot of specialization for one single purpose during a fight.<br><br>SoU makes you update your CD-Key, and that is VERY annoying. I really don't like it, they should make you register your old CD-Key with the new software instead. As-is, I am having a tough time initializing my new CD-Key with the Avlis PW and right now, do not know how to log in to my PW.<br><br>The new Single player Campaign introduces all the new toys and it is fun.<br><br>Is this expansion worth 30 dollars? I think that NWN is worth supporting - and thus is worth my 30 dollars alone. However, the CD-Key issue bugs me among other things. My other complaint is that the Prestige Classes are a bit weighted towards evil characters. Finally, the Prestige Classes seem to benefit someone who powergames more than someone that roleplays. The Harper Scout prestige class is a Roleplaying Class - it is there to enhance your RP of NWN IMHO.<br><br>Ver 1.30 supports SoU and is an update you pretty much have to download. I am a bit downtrodden at this, because many PW's weren't sure if they wanted to support the Prestige Classes in their worlds. Now I am uncertain if the option not to is really available to them.<br><br>This is my first impression of the Pack. It is fun for me to play in, and I am glad I bought it; but it is not for everyone. <p>"Patience is a virtue ... for other people." -Ravok</p><i></i>