That info is usefull to me. I have been meaning to replace the Dolphin that I currently have buying crystals for my kingdon end SPP. Next time I am on I will replace it with the Mako and station it on my TL.
BTW I just built 3 more stations last night and got my first Centuar for Sector Patrol (which I didn't name after you because this ship will see no real battle).
My stations are (if I remember):
Red Light - 2 SPP, 1 Crystal Fab, 2 Wheat Farms, 1 Bakery
Ringo Moon - 1 Silicon Mine
Argon Prime - 2 Wheat Farms, 2 Planktin Farms, 1 Stott Mixery, 1 Bakery, 1 Cattle Ranch
Kingdoms End - 1 SPP
Rolks Drift - 2 Wheat Farms
I would have continued but it got late and I have class today then a three day weekend. I havent' moved over too Presidents End yet because I am trying sure up my current positions with sector defense. I am trying to see if the one Centaur will be enough or else I will have to set them in pairs which will become a problem trying to equip them.
This is what it looks like when Lords of Steel jumped out of the sector leaving me behind so it can take the new captured Khaak M3 with 80% hull and my badly damaged Perseus with only 39% hull back to Argon Prime for repairs. I have recently cought up with in after making two stops for energy cells to make the jumps to get there. Glad I equiped all the fighters I have with transporters and Jump drives.
Below is my "MPB STBuilder" TL which is an Argon Mammoth. I currently spend more time on it than anything else because of all the station construtions and buying of ships to support them:
Here is my Khaak M3 with a Nova escort going through Ore Belt: