Bought it today, and have only played a few hours, but Wow! If you liked Morrowind, you'll love Oblivion. Seems like it, anyway.
So far, the only real problem I have is the built-in Bink video player is stuttery. A standalone player works fine on the same videos, so I dunno what's the issue. It's a much more polished experience than Morrowind, and of course is also much more graphically demanding. Coulple things I'd change about the interface that are compromises with the console version. But the whole Elder Scrolls feel is very much there, with the unparalleled non-linear thing they do.
I tried to play Morrowind... I don't know if it's because my system sucked, or the game did, but I just could't get into it... On the other Hand, Civ IV is absolutely addictive... Anyone playing this?
"Never, Never, Never quit." - Winston Churchill "Men don't like to cuddle. They only cuddle if it leads to.. You know.. Lower cuddling." - Ray Romano "Tell your wife that she looks pretty, even if she looks like a dump truck." - Ricky, age 10
Too bad we don't have Fry's around here. (Will not order onilne, credit card is already getting me into trouble.)
I may have to wait until either its under $20 or I get my credit card paid off.
I read the game gives you lots more direction than Morrowind... but is it still open ended enough that you can ignore the story and go do your own thing?
Well, I didn't think Morrowind was lacking in direction - the main quest was always there, and you could get others by talking to lots of people. You still have that here, though perhaps the main line is a little more obvious (so far). But you definitely have the freedom to do what you want. I've decided that one of my goals for this character is to become head of the mages guild, and boy do I have a long way to go...
XFire's week starts around Tuesday night, I think, and I did play a lot this weekend.
If you flat out didn't like Morrowind, then I wouldn't recommend Oblivion. But if you kind of liked it except for x, y, and/or z, then investigate to see if it was improved.
Yup, tho I've run into a few more little issues. Still way better bug-wise than Morrowind was, and miles ahead of Daggerfall. Also, while characters actually speak to you, there's no more than about half a dozen voice actors, so the conversations tend to sound very much alike. No shortage of quests and "things I'd like to try sometime."