I got a 50% off coupon for SmugMug from my camera club, so I decided to give it a try. I'm still piddling with the page & settings... as well as converting a great many CR2s into JPGs and uploading about a zillion pictures. So keep an eye out for new stuff at http://ericsmith.smugmug.com
The most exciting thing is my homepage contains the first (and so far, only) image of me on the internet!
(I don't count the pics of my eyes... if you can recognize me by those alone, then you're really something special.)
I think we have passed by each other in Scott Labs a few times or so. I'm currently working on my Senior Design Project as well as taking ME 571 and 682. If you ever want a sure fire place to catch me would be to go to room 040 in SEL on Mondays and Wensdays between 5:30 and 7:30. Thats when I work for the MSLC.