hi i want to join really bad, i have read everything, i love playing tf2, i don't do that much stuff around the housebecause nothing needs cleaning around here. [/b]
I'm trying to decide whether to ignore you or come up with a witty, sarcastic reply. Looks like neither is working out so well. Guess I'll pass the ball to the next wiseacre.
I'm sorry, but We've seen you skillz, and.. We're just not that into you.
"Never, Never, Never quit." - Winston Churchill "Men don't like to cuddle. They only cuddle if it leads to.. You know.. Lower cuddling." - Ray Romano "Tell your wife that she looks pretty, even if she looks like a dump truck." - Ricky, age 10
I've seen you play before. You're a inventory mining, gen squatting, TK'er. I cannot *SPONSOR* you at this time. TK Gambino a few more times and we'll talk.