On Steam from now until 5/24. If you've not played it, get it. It's a first-person 3d puzzle game with a great sense of sick humor. In a HAL-9000 sort of way. And make sure you stick around for the end credit song.
When they give out games for free, is it that you can only play it while its free or does it actually become part of your collection that you can play from now till dooms day?
Hot damn, I just finished it, and I have to say that was the most fun I've had in a puzzle game, well, ever. I love the song that goes with he credits.. LOL
"Never, Never, Never quit." - Winston Churchill "Men don't like to cuddle. They only cuddle if it leads to.. You know.. Lower cuddling." - Ray Romano "Tell your wife that she looks pretty, even if she looks like a dump truck." - Ricky, age 10
That song is rather catchy. We sing it around the house sometimes. It's available as a download, there are YouTube videos of it (even performed live in concert), and you can get it as a track for Rock Band.
I first played Portal while visiting my Brother's family when they lived in Europe. I didn't die once till towards the end but stopped at one point because I was tired and never got back to it before leaving. Now I know I was just two steps away from the final battle then. I've since beat it and currently working on the advance levels.
Yeah, the song is catchy. Playing an mp3 of it right now. Will admit since I never played any of the Half-lifes there are many references I don't get, such as Black Masa. Maybe I should give that series a try one of these days.
After playing Half-Life, and fighting my way through the whole black mesa debacle, Portal is even funnier. Many of the sound effects and the death animations are the same as half-life as well. (Haven't played HL2 sadly..) I'll try some of the advanced levels over the next couple days, might go back and play through it again to get the transmission received achievement.
"Never, Never, Never quit." - Winston Churchill "Men don't like to cuddle. They only cuddle if it leads to.. You know.. Lower cuddling." - Ray Romano "Tell your wife that she looks pretty, even if she looks like a dump truck." - Ricky, age 10
I found an unused Barnes and Noble Gift Card I got for Christmas this year, and ordered the Orange Box. I should see it by the end of the week, and will immerse myself in the world of City 17..
"Never, Never, Never quit." - Winston Churchill "Men don't like to cuddle. They only cuddle if it leads to.. You know.. Lower cuddling." - Ray Romano "Tell your wife that she looks pretty, even if she looks like a dump truck." - Ricky, age 10
I think I got it for $30. 5 games for that price is a pretty good deal still. I should have it by Friday. I think I'm more excited by TF2, but I've been wanting to play through HL2 and the 2 episodes. It's old enough that my old PC should still be able to play it on decent settings.
"Never, Never, Never quit." - Winston Churchill "Men don't like to cuddle. They only cuddle if it leads to.. You know.. Lower cuddling." - Ray Romano "Tell your wife that she looks pretty, even if she looks like a dump truck." - Ricky, age 10