I think for air strikes you have to have the right class and enough xp gained to unlock the ability. Then you need to do enough in-game to gain credits; these are the credits that are spent to call in supply drops, tactical strikes, orbital strikes, spend on vehicles, etc.
air strikes, press "1", supply drop press "2" you will get a little targeting laser in your hand. This spends the the team "credits" in the upper right hand corner, these credits also are used as a pool for vehicles, and upgrades to fixtures, like the generator. Tokens are in game earned "gold" and spend just like purchased gold. For example you may be able to buy a class for 400 gold, or 9800 tokens.
I think VIP status doesn't really do anything until they segregate maps for non, an VIP. buying into the game, or buying anything gets it. Also, you got double xp for 30 days once you start it. They also launched a new thing called "First Win" where you get mass amounts of XP for your first daily win. You should at least play once a day for a win to get it. Free bling. Ice, I don't think I have you in my friends list, are you "Iceman"?