Went driving around the other day with my camera in hand to see if anything worth shooting would catch my eye. I passed by this old barn (actually, I've driven by it a bunch of times over the years) and thought it would be the perfect opportunity to do a shoot due to the overcast conditions. I talked to the owner and he gave his, "Okay".
I did this as an HDR to get the drama in the clouds, then converted to B&W (I always saw it as B&W in my mind).
Nice shot! So, you processed the shot to make the HDR image then you reprocessed it to B&W? It almost looks like a drawing, or an old poster, not a photo. Very nice. I've tried HDR, and failed miserably every time. I haven't been out shooting in a while.. I etter get on it before all the Fall color is gone.
"Never, Never, Never quit." - Winston Churchill "Men don't like to cuddle. They only cuddle if it leads to.. You know.. Lower cuddling." - Ray Romano "Tell your wife that she looks pretty, even if she looks like a dump truck." - Ricky, age 10
Jester - Thanks for the compliment! I'm not much into selling my prints nowadays, but I'll keep that in mind should I change my mind.
Hat - This is a 7-shot bracket that I processed in Photomatix (awesome piece of software for creating HDR images). I primarily went the HDR route so that I could make the clouds look more dramatic, then converted to B&W in Photoshop by adding a B&W layer. Tweaked some of the sliders to taste and came up with this.
In the 7 shots, what were you changing settings wise? EV? Exposure time? I've never found a good explanation to get it right.
"Never, Never, Never quit." - Winston Churchill "Men don't like to cuddle. They only cuddle if it leads to.. You know.. Lower cuddling." - Ray Romano "Tell your wife that she looks pretty, even if she looks like a dump truck." - Ricky, age 10
I was only changing exposure time. My camera has a bracket setting that allows me to change the number of shots in the bracket. I think that there's something like a 1 stop difference between each shot.
Yes, the automatic bracketing feature only changes the shutter speed. If it changed aperture then it would mess up the focal depth, and if it changed the ISO then you'd (most likely) have noise.
Porsche, I can change my bracketing from half to third stops, but the number of exposures stays the same. I'm sure your camera is more flexible than mine so you probably have more options.