Woohoo! Only two more weeks of commuting...

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XMEN Ashaman DTM
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Woohoo! Only two more weeks of commuting...

Post by XMEN Ashaman DTM »

almost 5 hours every day!

I'm going to a job with the Navy. More exciting things (using my brain), and it's a job where I can't take anything home with me!!!! Yay! It's also roughly 6 miles away instead of 85. Yes, since the end of April (and not counting the 7 weeks of leave I had saved up for my daughter's birth), I have been driving about 130 miles a day (85 driving one way, the remainder included a ferry for the return trip). And I'll be able to start paying off my credit card! It's cost about 1000 bucks a month for this commute, and even though I'm taking a pay cut (reduction in grade), I'll come out ahead with no more commute!

If you can't tell, I'm very excited about this. More time with family, more game time, more time on the boards, more time for my hobbies, etc.
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XMEN Gambit
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Post by XMEN Gambit »

I cut mine this year too - and not nearly as drastically. It was a very nice change, so I think you're justified in being ecstatic about it. :)
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Post by Sharpster »

Congrats, that's exciting! I shortened my commute by 10 miles when I started my current job and that itself was wonderful, you're not going to know what to do with yourself with the amount you're cutting.

I'm going the opposite way, my fiance and I have all but signed the paperwork to a house in Southern PA and i'll be commuting 113 miles round trip to Baltimore MD. I'm used to a 12 mile round trip commute currently. :?
XMEN Ashaman DTM
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Post by XMEN Ashaman DTM »

Ouch! All the tolls! And highway 95 if you get stuck on it is no fun.

I've been back east quite a few time (DC metro area and VA) and what a mess. Good luck to you. I mostly left early enough in the morning to avoid the major traffic... One time I left late, and it took me 6 hours to drive home. That's also when I started taking the ferry instead of driving back... costs more, but I am almost guaranteed a 2 hour commute instead of 6.
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Post by Sharpster »

Well lucky for me, we are about 10 mins off I-83 and my work is a block off of it as well. Don't have any tolls to deal with either.

I-95 is horrible, that's the route I took for my last job. 83 is much better, and I'll be leaving early enough in the morning and afternoon that barring an accident, I should miss most of the traffic.

6 hours to drive home :shock: !! Oh my gosh, I couldn't even imagine.
XMEN Ashaman DTM
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Post by XMEN Ashaman DTM »

Funny thing is that I kept recalling that scene at the beginning of Office Space, with the traffic jam. And the old person beating the cars. Heh... just like that actually.

Problem around here is that it's just as bad as (if not worse than) LA traffic.... the good thing about LA is that you have multiple freeways to get you from A to B. Here it's just a handful.
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Post by Sharpster »

Wow, I've heard of LA's traffic problems but WA doesn't get very publicized. Well at least it's almost behind you!
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XMEN Gambit
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Post by XMEN Gambit »

That opening scene in Office Space was filmed here in Dallas (at least the wide shots were). On 635, probably the most notorious highway here.
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Post by Spinning Hat »

I just started a new job, and it's only 2 miles further than my old job. It has increased my commute by half. 2. miles. Despite the commute, it was worth taking the slight cut in pay to get somewhere that there's room for growth.

I know work at Zeiss Industrial Metrology. Asha, I'm sure you've seen and used those CMM's we build. :)
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XMEN Ashaman DTM
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Post by XMEN Ashaman DTM »

Yeah. They're pretty sweet.

Good machines too, when they're calibrated and operated by a competent person.

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Post by Spinning Hat »

They're assembled here in MN, across the wall from my desk. Just entered orders for Machines, one to Tinker AFB and one to Hill AFB And one for Lockheed Missile and Fire Control division. :)
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"Men don't like to cuddle. They only cuddle if it leads to.. You know.. Lower cuddling." - Ray Romano
"Tell your wife that she looks pretty, even if she looks like a dump truck." - Ricky, age 10
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