Had a Blast Tonight
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- Posts: 70
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Had a Blast Tonight
Well my cable decided not to mess with me for to long tonight. I played some kick butt games tonight. <br><br>Lemme tell you about a few things that happened that made me nearly pee myself from the laughter.<br><br>1) Was playing Thin Ice as LO Sniper. I always start the game in a sniper outfit and go cause havoc to the enemies vehicle pad. Snipe a few, till the people get smart and start looking for me, then end up dueling with about three of the guys tillI eventually die. Keep them busy for a capper to get in and out.<br><br>I was coming across to their base when I saw two shrikes dueling in the air not far from me over the ridgeline. Me being the nosey type person I am, I go to see if I can lend a hand. The enemy shrike blows up the friendly one, but not before severe damage is inflicted apon the enemy shrike. Two disk from the two fo us and the shrike goes down, but my partner dies by a last shot.<br><br>I engage the enemy and end up heading toward their base. I jet up to get a better advantage on the guy when he jumps up in front of me to mid air me. Bad mistake. (I wish I could take this credit but I can't) As soon as he jumps to about eye to eye level a lazer shot buzzes through the air and I see him fall to his icy death. I look up on the screen and see... So and so was teamkilled by so and so's with his lazer rifle. The guy was aiming for me but inadvertantly shot the other guy and killed him when he jumped in the way. I just let myself fall into the icy water and laugh my now frozen bottom off.<br><br>2) As the banter between us, friendly do not fret, rose to a high, the guy that was killed decided to take his revenge while I was typing. I was sitting in a gully where I thought no one could see me when I look up at a noise and see an enemy shrike bearing down on me. My only instrint was to duck. Thats right, I ducked from the screen hoping it would help my guy. Well it must have because he missed me but I was close enough to see the details on the bottom of the shrike, if I would have moved I would have been bumper bait. He becan to protest that I was cheating because the lazer shot hit him and then now he couldn't run me over. That was nearly enough for me to bear... but not quite.<br><br>3) I was out sniping the enemies vehicle pad when they got wind of my business. A guy that I had killed came out to end my fun, or my life, don't know which one yet. While dueling him I ended up near their vehicle pad. where a bomber was being loaded up. A pilot and bomber were present, but no tailgunner. I figured they were going to my base anyway so I figured I could hitch a ride and they wouldn't care. I tell you what, it is hard sniping from a moving bomber... but I was able to kill the guy fighting me with a lucky headshot as we climbed into the sky.<br><br>I was content to sit in the bomber till we got over my base until they dropped a bomb on one of my sniper buddies. That upset my to no end. I quickly switched to my chaingun and preceded to chain the bomber out from under us. Right before the bomber blew up, I jumped out and shot a disc at the middle of the vehicle blowing it up and hurting the pilot and killing the bombadier. I shot one of my last disc's at the pilot as he fell and killed him as he hit the ground.<br><br>I was then content to stand my ground near their base and snipe till I was discovered and killed. I definatly had a blast tonight.<br><br>Just thought I would share...<br><br>Oh one more thing, can you shoot concussion grenades out the air and blow them up? Or do they have a timer set that when they hit something they go off? Or they blow up after a certain time? <p><center><body bgcolor="000000"text="696969"link="000000"vlink="Blue"alink="red"><font color="blue"><img src=http://www.angelfire.com/rpg/Hewdamia/i ... ><P><INPUT TYPE="image" SRC="http://www.angelfire.com/rpg/Hewdamia/images/xmen/x.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="Wildchild"><a href=mailto:xmen-wildchild@home.com>- Wildchild -</a><INPUT TYPE="image" SRC="http://www.angelfire.com/rpg/Hewdamia/images/xmen/x.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="Hewdamia : Legends"></font><font size="-2"><P>Proud Member of the<I> <B><font color="white"><a href="http://www.xmenclan.org">XMEN</a></font></B></I><BR>Creator of <I><B><font color="white"><a href="http://www.angelfire.com/rpg/Hewdamia/i ... /I><P>What we do today, Echoes in Eternity!<BR><B>ROMA VICTAR!</B><BR>Uberlicious<P>I must say that after playing head to head with WC, I'd like to change his<BR>name to the Principal as he took me to school and gave me an awful spanking. <P>I found a weakness in Wildchild............<BR>Play when he is not playing.....<P>I'd like to think that going against WC made me better but I'm afraid that all he did was make me deader.<BR>But I love the adrenaline rush when I see he's in the game cause that means it's showtime!<P> The Power of <b>CHEESE!</p><i></i>
Kevin 'Wildchild' McIntyre

Re: Had a Blast Tonight
LOL on the "hitching a ride" part... too funny!<br><br>=Timmain <p><img src=http://home.earthlink.net/~ambushbugdtm/timmainsig.jpg align=LEFT>"...the enemy's gate is DOWN."<br>-"Ender" Wiggin<br><font size="2" color="red">"Good, bad... I'm the guy with the gun."<br>-Ashley J. Williams: <i>Army of Darkness</i><font><br><font size="1" color="red">Proud Member of the XMEN Clan</font><br><font size="1" color="green"> Slave of Corporate America</font><br><font size="1" color="yellow">"Cellar Dweller"</font></p><i></i>
Re: Had a Blast Tonight
<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :lol --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/intl/aenglish/im ... /laugh.gif ALT=":lol"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> , great stories... <p><img src="http://www.xmenclan.org/avatars/itiman. ... der="0"<BR> </left>"Proud Member of the XMEN" </left>"Proud Member of the [DTM]"<br></left>" Stop and be Thankful for what you have today! "</p><i></i>
<a href=http://profile.xfire.com/xmenitiman><img src=http://miniprofile.xfire.com/bg/bg/type ... itiman.png width=440 height=111></a>
- Ambush Bug
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Re: Had a Blast Tonight
Concussion grenades have a timed fuze, WildChild.<br><br>Now, in T1, you <!--EZCODE BOLD START--><b> could</b><!--EZCODE BOLD END--> in fact shoot missiles and disks out of the air... but it was almost always a luck-shot. In the two and a half years I played T1, I saw (and fired) ONE disk-to-disk mid-air explosion, and only two missiles get shot down.<br><br>The disk-to-disk was pretty funny, though. I was still with DWE at that point, and we were having a MA practice night. I pair off with Nido and we're doing the dance of death out near one of the bases on Broadside. We jump, jet, jockey around in the air, then fire (all from about 40 meters' distance). Suddenly, there's this massive blue explosion between us. Both of us hit the ground and filled the chat-box with 'WTF????'<br><br>Once we figured out what it was, we felt l33t. <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :) --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/intl/aenglish/im ... /smile.gif ALT=":)"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <p><BR><img src=http://home.earthlink.net/~ambushbugdtm/BugSig.jpg align=LEFT><BR>Member: DTM, XMEN, SeXy<BR>The Drunken ArtilleryBug!<BR>"Roj, target is *hic* <b>DAWWWG</b>-meat!"</p><i></i>
XMEN|Ambush_Bug[DTM]==Tribal Warrior-Scholar, retired.
CoH>Protector>Raydia//Decaying Rose
XMEN|Ambush_Bug[DTM]==Tribal Warrior-Scholar, retired.
CoH>Protector>Raydia//Decaying Rose
- Posts: 1
- Joined: Sun Sep 01, 2002 3:24 pm
Re: Had a Blast Tonight
Hi all, bumping this up now from the grave <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :) --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/smile.gif ALT=":)"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <br><br>I was wondering if it was possible in T2 to shoot discs out of the air (I know you can shoot missles out of the air). I'm wondering because it sure looked like that happened between me and a clanmate (]-[unter) but I'm not sure. Has anyone else done it? <p><center><font size="5" color="red">]IRS[ =TheProphet=</font></center><br><center>Yes, the last sig sucked. New one coming soon.</center></p><i></i>
- Posts: 70
- Joined: Sat May 12, 2001 11:40 pm
I am not sure... but I have destroyed? (maybe not the best word) a missle with a mortar shot once. Purly on accident. I tossed a mortar at something and it hit a missle that was like 3 feet in front of me. I didn't take any damage from the midssle and the mortar never blew up. I just mark that up as being lucky or on crack... <p></p><i></i>
Kevin 'Wildchild' McIntyre

- XMEN Iceman
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Re: Re
Rofl...those kinda games make T2 a blast! <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :lol --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/laugh.gif ALT=":lol"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <p><table border="0"><tr><td><embed align="left" src="http://www.thzclan.com/avatars/ezice.swf" menu="false" quality="high" bgcolor="#000000" width="217" height="166" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/dow ... <td><table border="0" style='Filter: Shadow(Color=#BB1403,Direction=255)'><tr><td><span class='usertitle'>XMEN Iceman [DTM]<br>Founder and Leader of the Base Tribes XMEN Clan<br>Proud member of the Dragon Talon Mercenaries teamplayers Guild<br>Citizen of New Fenecia<br><br>"You weren't much of a challenge" - T2 bot after killing Iceman<br><br>- click on avatar for links - no, not sausage links!</span></td></tr></table></td></tr></table></p><i></i>