Had a bit of trouble, too. With the blood, not the BIOS. It's been a while since I last got drain-- er, gave blood. I didn't have time to wait around since I was at work and had a conference call to get on. So I got off the table, picked up my stuff, and walked out of that building into the next one, up a flight of stairs, and to my desk. Normally wouldn't even notice the trip but this time I thought I'd faint. Resting for a few minutes at my desk with my head down was only marginally helpful, finally had to lie down on the floor. I had fading vision, cold sweats, nausea, all the classic symptoms. Wow. Probably should have used the elevator this once, huh?

Anyway, Rogue fixed me a nice steak & potatoes dinner with a spinach salad for lots of iron. And I took a vitamin.